The second book of In The Dollhouse series has been put on hold. Unfortunately, the latest copy is stored in machinery which is no longer accessible. Though another copy may be available elsewhere, at this time, it has not been found. The series will be on hold until further notice. Thank you for your support and understanding! Please check out Love Bless You blog for any other updated information.
On February 14th, many celebrate a day to acknowledge love, especially the romantic kind. Here at In The Dollhouse, there is another reason to celebrate love and that is due to the anniversary of the book. Yes! It is the 2-year anniversary of this fictional tale of a common housewife and mother living in Southern California, sharing intricate details of the livelihood of the everyday female nurturer. It may not be that exciting to those still searching for a perfect love, but for those curious enough, it can elevate senses on a different level. The second book is in process and will be due out soon. It cannot be specified when the book will be available, but work is in progress to ensure its availability. After all, the series must go on. For, even if a few learn from its deeper meaning, they will come to understand that yes, most of it is pure imagination from the heart and soul. A lot of details were used to ensure the reliability of the story. Thank you for taking the time ...